A Passion for the Creative – Meet Ric of Hopwood Creative

Ric Hopwood set up Hopwood Creative to support B2B and service offering SME’s across the district with their creative needs. They offer web design, graphic design and the ability to become a full marketing team to small businesses for less than the cost of hiring one full time marketing executive.

A passion for anything creative took Ric on a path studying everything visual including photography to begin with, then graphic design, and later, web design. Prior to setting up the business, he worked in a variety of marketing roles over 10+ years, putting all-round creative skills to good use and learning the ins and outs of marketing.

“I’m still very hands-on with a lot of the design work, but I’m building a team around me, each with skills that will support our clients for the long term.

It seemed a no-brainer for us, that as a Wakefield based business that we absolutely should be involved in this great business community that We Are Wakefield are developing. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and enjoying the support that we can offer to each other.

If you are curious about how your business is performing online then give me a shout and I’ll happily run a report for WAW members for free, that’ll give you ideas that you can implement yourself to grow your web presence.

Or if you fancy grabbing a coffee, tea or something stronger sometime, feel free to get in touch!!”

Connect with Ric on LinkedIn HERE

or Email: [email protected]