Alan’s New Adventure!

Many of you know WAW member Alan Thompson for his work as a Business Adviser for Ad:Venture originally in Leeds and more recently in Wakefield. You may also be aware that he’s recently left Ad:Venture for a new adventure! 😊

Alan is now working in the Business Engagement Team for the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP). This is an initiative run by the Dept for Education who’ve contracted Mid Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with West & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce to develop the LSIP.

In order to develop the plan they need to engage with as many employers as possible to understand the challenges and successes in recruiting employees with the right technical skills as well as upskilling existing staff.

They have a short questionnaire which will take 2 minutes to complete, the link is here:

If you want to discuss this, Alan will be at the We Are Wakefield event at Wakefield Cathedral on Friday 3rd March. Please say hello!