Dark Cherry Creative

Dark Cherry Creative have over 25 years experience helping businesses achieve their long and short term goals. They are a creative agency that help clients with all things website, design and marketing related. They work alongside and support a wide variety of companies in a broad collection of sectors. This allows them to deliver fantastic results and help for your business no matter the size or the industry you work within.

We asked, where did the name Dark Cherry Creative come from?   The response was, “It’s really not that exciting, and no it isn’t food related!”

“One day Richard (pictured)  and James were sat chatting about previous freelance projects and the names of businesses etc. James mentioned a gripe he had that his company was called True Blue, but there wasn’t a Pantone reference named True Blue.

At the time Richard was sat in a maroon coloured shirt, we both agreed that we liked the colour. “it’s like a plum colour… James, we can’t be a pair of plums!”. Let’s talk with Charles and think a little more… OK, it’s like a Dark Cherry Colour… after a little research and a few other suggestions, we found Dark Cherry is a Pantone colour! You can imagine the delight for James.

We made it happen, a company name with a Pantone reference. There you have it, the most boring way to come up with a company name.”

Look out for Richard at our First Friday events and say hello!