DSM Productions new studio!

DSM Productions Limited has grown over the last couple of years but when COVID hit the diary emptied within 48hrs.

The ban on large gatherings, conferences, music and events of any size brought the company to a stand still.

Dan Smith Founder of DSM Productions commented:

“Since COVID hit events have been either cancelled or postponed and I started to watch what I had built start crumbling around me.”

“After a few months of being crippled by the pandemic and watching the bank empty (despite some government support) It became apparent, in September, that live events may not be returning any time soon and that virtual may well be the way forward.”

“Initially we decided to invest in equipment to make the transition to a virtual platform but quickly realised I had something that I don’t think Wakefield has (I could be wrong on this) – space to create a studio dedicated to broadcast, streaming and filming.
With this we decided to convert unused office/storage space, at our warehouse & offices in Wakefield, into a purpose built studio space.”

The studio space will be open as of the 2nd December and I’m hoping to generate a large interest in the space.