2024/09/25 – Clothes Swapping Event – Get your pre-loved outfit for the Wakefield Business Awards!

Join us for a fun evening of clothes swapping as we encourage pre-loved fashion for the upcoming festive/awards season!

Join us at Solupak, Castleford, for a fun evening of clothes swapping as we encourage pre-loved fashion for the Wakefield Business Awards on 7th November or any festive frivolities or fancy events you ‘ll be attending!!

Make your attendance kind to the environment and choose a pre-loved outfit at this event!

On the night:

En Route Hair and Beauty will be showing us some award winning styles and there’s a chance to win a styling session for the Wakefield Business Awards on 7th November.

Event photographer, Perrin Read of Roth Read Photography will present a “Strike a Pose” Masterclass.

Clutter is the Enemy’s Rachel Smith on Wardrobe Well-being – how sorting your style will be a weight off your mind.

Solupak’s Helen McDonald will tell us how we can all be more sustainable with some top environmental tips.

Wine tasting from Jean Juvinierre Wines.

Raffle and tombola – money raised will be donated to a chosen charity.

There’ll be the usual We Are Wakefield mingling and networking opportunities!

Drinks and nibbles will be provided along with the chance to take part in a red carpet fashion show during the event, for attendees to show off their finds!

· The event is open to all with fashion for men and women.

· The event will primarily be for formal wear or party wear.

· Unclaimed items will be donated to Community Foundation Wakefield District to be either distributed or sold to raise funds for families in need.

Clothes that are to be swapped must be donated prior to the event. Drop-offs will be accepted beforehand at WAW events, WAW HQ, Clutter is the Enemy and Solupak. Attendees can donate a maximum of 5 good quality items in good condition please. We’d be grateful if you’d provide a hanger with your donation 🙂

Drop Off Points:

Solupak – Helen McDonald – California Drive, Whitwood, Castleford, WF10 5QH

Clutter is the Enemy – Rachel Smith – 27 Oxford Road, Wakefield, WF4 1AB

We Are Wakefield – Claire Sutherley/Rachael Murphy – Office 3, Harrison Suite, Nostell Estate Yard, WF4 1AB

Further details will be sent to attendees prior to the event.

Swaps aren’t guaranteed, so any clothes will be considered as donations to our nominated charity – Community Foundation Wakefield District.

Book HERE to attend