Fanfare Music’s Winning Collaboration!

Fanfare Music hosted a corporate songwriting evening on 16th January at their studio in Ossett for the WAW team and We Are Wakefield members:
Diana Holden Bid Writing Service Ltd
Solupak Ltd
Wordsmiths UnLimited
Chris Whittam Photography
Blossom CIC

Participants came with a variety of levels of musical confidence but over the course of the evening learnt chords on the piano and about the chord structure of pop songs.
After a vocal warm up, Jenna taught participants to play the chords to two pop songs on the piano and we took it in turns to play and sing. However, the main business of the evening was creating our very own We Are Wakefield song and in teams participants wrote chord progressions and lyrics for the verses, chorus and a bridge.
When it came to recording the song, those who wanted to, sang a solo line and everyone else was involved with the chorus and the rap! It was a great evening, and we can offer something similar, or something totally different, to you and your team – musical theatre, burlesque, songwriting, rock band, learning instruments, singing, drama, improvisation, even visual art – use your imagination.

Creativity is the key to productivity in any workplace and we’d love to help unleash your team’s creative superpowers.
Drop Jenna an email: [email protected] to book some creative time in the diary for your team.

“We’re delighted to award Jenna the winning tickets for all her hard work on this collaborative event!” Jenna wins tickets to see how team work makes the dream work at Castleford Tigers!

Listen to the song here: