First Roadshow Launch Event Branded A Success

After delays and postponements due to the global pandemic, we were so thrilled to be able to welcome our members back face-to-face for the first official launch of We Are Wakefield!

This city is filled with beauty spots and picturesque scenery, and that was exactly what we showcased during our first roadshow event at Rogerthorpe Manor in Pontefract. Well kept, excellently maintained and beautiful gardens were the backdrop as we greeted our guests face-to-face for the first time in over a whole year…

A truly inspiring and welcoming speech opened the event by our Chair, Craig Shepherd, thanking everyone for coming and celebrating our event with us. All eyes soon turned to the huge screen at the head of the room where we aired our brand new re-launch video where we were introduced to like-minded business people who love the Wakefield area. Our Agency’s and We Are Wakefield Board member Lanie Green, We Are Wakefield’s Business Support Manager Victoria Fox, Economic Growth and Service Manager, Mike Denby and Managing Director of DSM Productions Daniel Smith all spoke about their love for the Wakefield area and the potential it has to be bigger and better than it al ready is.

Pastries, tea and coffee flowed all around as networking began with business cards exchanged and potential meetings arranged. This was not just any networking event, everyone chatted and mingled, and the entire day was a huge success! We cannot wait to welcome you back to networking and we hope to see you all soon at our remaining upcoming roadshow re-launch events.