Have you heard? Our new Managing Director…

Following the successful re-launch of We Are Wakefield, we are now proud to present our newest appointment…

Managing Director – Claire Sutherley!

Since the company has been going from strength to strength, we are now in a position where growth within the company is vital to continue connecting local businesses in the area and helping them within their own growth, and so appointing Claire to the role given her extensive experience within the sector is a great acquirement for us.

Formerly the Business Engagement Officer within Wakefield Council’s Wakefield First, Claire had helped to support thousands of businesses in the district over the last 18 months in her role, and she can now continue to do so, all whilst growing the We Are Wakefield businesses!

“I am extremely excited to be joining the We are Wakefield team as Managing Director in January,” explains Claire.

“I will be looking to build on the great relationships that already exist between Wakefield businesses and provide a firm footing for a business community that engages, has value, and inspires.

“I realise the importance of a support network when running a business as it can be a very lonely place indeed, I look forward to being part of that network and working districtwide to help our businesses thrive.”

Everyone at the We Are Wakefield HQ are excited to welcome Claire on-board, her skills, expertise and knowledge of the industry, along with the contacts and experience she has can only strength the company leaps and bounds.

Chair, Craig Shepherd, is no exception. He said: “In line with our strategy for growth, we have recruited a Managing Director who will be able to drive the business forward and provide the members of We Are Wakefield with consistency.

“Our ‘GrowIN’ strand is now on track to launch in 2022 and with Claire’s considerable experience of supporting key leaders to grow their businesses and develop we have a clear opportunity to make a difference across the district.

Everyone you speak to has nothing but superlatives to say about Claire and we are very lucky to have her onboard. Roll on January!”

Claire is all set to start her new role after the festive season on January 4 – and we can’t wait to welcome her with open arms.

Fancy having a chat with her to talk about how she can help your business through We Are Wakefield? Drop her an email at [email protected].