How can you reduce costs through optimising your workplace pension? Clear Workplace can help with that…

So, who are our newest members and what do they do?

Clear Workplace are specialist providers of auto enrolment solutions who are not tied to any pension or payroll providers. This enables them them to give a clear pricing quote to their customers, as nothing is branded a ‘package’ in their business

Working by the mantra ‘need to have’ and not ‘nice to have’, this ensures they are totally responsible for all recommendations they give, meaning they develop strong partnerships with their clients to become the auto enrolment adviser, procurement specialist and service provider on your company’s behalf.

Since starting trading in 2013, Clear Workplace has worked with a number of clients – one of which having over 1,000 employees over 44 varied site locations. This is alongside small to medium enterprises too.

Alongside all of this, Clear Workplace are proud members of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals ‘Friends of automatic enrolment’, which provides further confidence in using their services.

By using Clear Workplace’s Pensions Optimisation, it saves both the employer and employee money on their National Insurance contributions. On average, Clear Workplace saves employers £17,250 per year. Employees can access the firm’s Pension Hunter, enabling them to track down and consolidate old workplace and personal pension pots. 

Just to prove their commitment to their clientele, Clear Workplace were awarded Best Workplace Pension Advisor 2021 at the Bond Street Awards in London after being nominated by their clients Centaur.

Getting to understand pensions can be tricky, for both companies large and small, so why not get in touch with them to see how they can help you?