Meet Our Members, Harper Talent

Harper Talent, which specialises in sourcing top talent for growing businesses, has always taken great pride in their partnerships.

Whether colleague to colleague, colleague to client or client to prospective candidate, every partnership is approached in the same way – with genuine interest, a friendly attitude and, of course, a brew in hand.

In fact, this focus on cultivating long-lasting partnerships is so important to the team that it even inspired a recent rebrand.

As Director Charly explained, ‘Having grown up on my family’s farm, where pitching in and pulling together was commonplace, I noticed that this willingness to ‘get stuck in’ had followed me into the world of business.’

‘I also saw this same attitude reflected in my incredible team, who really cared about building meaningful relationships with clients and each other. I knew that a rebrand was needed, and what better name than that of the farm itself? Harper Farm, meet Harper Talent!’

Since their rebrand, the Harper Talent team have continued to work their socks off to help each and every client build a winning workforce. If you, too, want to work with a team of talent-finding experts who genuinely care about your success, reach out to Harper Talent.