Mint HR. Outsourced Human Resources for Yorkshire.

You set up a business because you’re passionate about what you do. But it’s not just your passion – you’re great at it. And that’s where your energy should be going. But as you’ve grown, all this other stuff has come into play: employing people. Managing them. Picking up the pieces when it doesn’t go to plan.

All that takes your focus away from what you’re good at and what you love.

And this is where Mint HR come in. They work with business owners and people managers around Yorkshire to make sure that everything people related is run for the good of the business: to make their clients an employer of choice, to keep issues to a minimum. To make everything run smoothly.

You may simply want to set up proper policies and procedures to ensure clarity and consistency or you might have a crisis brewing and have no idea how to handle it. Whatever your needs – help is just a phone call away.  Contact Tracy Carpenter – Pictured – for more information.