Our long-standing members, Contedia, aren’t your normal IT provider

Being average isn’t good enough. At Contedia, they really strive to provide an unparalleled level of expertise, quality workmanship and customer service.

They provide digital services to customers throughout the UK, and their IT services are available to businesses across the North of England.

Founded in 2001 by brothers Simon and Tim Guest, the company’s aim was to create lasting and truly beneficial relationships with small and medium sized businesses throughout the UK that were looking for accessible expertise from a business driven by high standards and focused skills, allowing customers to really benefit from a trusting, long-term relationship with Contedia.

By working with their customers and working backwards to create and preserve a business that is a trustworthy partner, they pay attention to all competitors and obsess over each and every customers.

Two decades on, Contedia have many wonderful customers, many of which consider the business an extension of their own.