Please welcome… The Prince of Wales Hospice!

Following the vast growth and numerous new members, we are so happy to announce another one of our newest additions to the We Are Wakefield family!

Sitting of Halfpenny Lane in Pontefract, we caught up with Marketing Manager, Dora Hardy, where she told us all about the Hospice.

We are The Prince of Wales Hospice. We have been providing special care to people with a life-limiting illness since 1989. Our services are available to the communities in the Five Towns area of Wakefield district. We care for anyone over the age of 18, either as a visiting out-patient, or on our ward where we offer 24-hour specialist care. Our care also extends to the carers and families of our patients, who often need us just as much.

Our Hospice helps people live better with their illness, with over half who stay with us eventually returning home after overcoming a specific problem. Many choose the safety and dignity of our Hospice for care at the end of their life.

We provide our care free of charge, but only about a 25% of the cost is covered by the NHS. This means we have to raise over £3m a year through our shops, fundraising events, donations and fundraising initiatives in our communities. Of every £1 we raise, 88p is spent directly on patient care and 12p is invested in raising more funds.

There are many ways businesses can get involved and support us such as sponsoring our exciting events and team challenges, organising staff fundraising, volunteering or donating goods. We also offer room hire facilities and catering for business meetings or social events. We build good relationships with our partners and find the best ways to work together.

Fundraising Manager at The Prince of Wales Hospice, Jill Kirkham, said: “We are delighted to have become members with We Are Wakefield.

“We have worked with Claire Sutherley, both as a volunteer and a partner business within our own business club called Club 5.

“We have a shared vision of improving networking for businesses in the district and creating long term beneficial partnerships to all parties.

“We are very excited to see how we can work together alongside one another.”