Welcome our latest members, Clutter is the Enemy

So much more than an interior designer and declutterer, Rachel Smith is a woman on a mission determined to help people connect the dots between their home and their mental health and wellbeing!

Specialising in decluttering, home styling and home staging, Clutter is the Enemy injects love, life, and positivity back into your home, helping you understand and see the difference in what a well-maintained and clutter-free home can do for your mental health and more.

Modern life and consumerism means we all live with some degree of clutter. When it gets to be more than just the detritus of everyday life, it becomes an embarrassment. It stops us being the people we want to be and living the life we want to live.  By understanding this, Rachel guides you through the emotional rollercoaster of a journey that is decluttering and will give you positivity and hope for the future.

Interior design is something that is often only associated with the wealthy, but Clutter is the Enemy has affordable interior design services that can stop your home from working against you and help reflect who you are. Rachel takes the time to get to know you and helps you create spaces that allow you to breathe. She helps you define your own style and ensures that your home is a positive, happy place.

Selling your home? Home staging is key! Presenting to the best possible standard is the best way to maximise your return and ensure it will sell as quickly as possible. Clutter is the Enemy acts as a fresh pair of eyes to someone’s home, which is valuable to making sure you’re displaying your home in a way that interested buyers would want to see it. Home staging your own home is a tricky business and can be the downfall of a sale, it might have been your home for many years, but it’s time to move on and getting to that stage to sell can be hard without a home stager!