Meet Graham Summerscales – All About Change

Please welcome new member of the WAW family, Graham Summerscales from All About Change.

Graham was diagnosed with ADHD aged 53 and since then has set up All About Change, coaching other adults within the neurodiverse community.

It’s not always easy for neurotypical people to understand how ADHD people think and Graham’s approach is to coach and co-coach the neurodivergent and neurotypical to encourage and help develop successful outcomes for both parties.

He completed his studies in Executive Coaching and Mentoring at Oxford Brooks University and achieved the highest coaching qualification possible at the time.  He then moved into the learning and development sector, bolting on various other qualifications including psychometric profiling, having trained as a practitioner in MBTI and 16pf.

Graham has coached and trained clients from middle management to board level, conducted C-Suite recruitment programmes and led team development work that has taken him to all corners of the world such as America, Thailand, Brazil and all across Europe. He’s worked with individuals and teams across the globe, supported organisations through mergers, acquisitions and redundancies, and provided outplacement support and career coaching for employees.

When he’s not helping ADHD clients reach their potential, an avid sportsman, having played Rugby for Great Britain at amateur level, he still continues to chase perfection on the golf course.

Connect with Graham HERE